Thursday, February 12, 2009


Mike's Dad found this story about my Great-Great Grandfather, Enoch Buckley in the History  of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens. Published in 1915.

ENOCH BUCKLEY, of Exeter, NH, who for the last seven years has been care taker for the Isabella J. Gale property, was born in England, January 30, 1853 and came to America at the age of thirteen years.  His father, Phillip Buckley, was twice married; first to Marha Bottomby who died in England, leaving four children-- James, Thomas, Seth and Enoch.  Mr. Buckley later married his second wife, Rachel Shancross, who accompanied him to this country in 1867 the family landing at Portland, ME on April 9.  They came directly to Exeter, where the father, a cotton spinner by trade, found employment in the plant of the Exeter Manufacturing Company.  He and his second wife both died in this city and are here buried.  Born of his second marriage were two daughters: Elizabeth wife of Frank Durbin, and Sarah Jane, wife of Fred Ham.

Enoch Buckley went to school only in his native England, but improved his education by night study after coming to this country.  He went to work in the cotton factory as soon as he arrived here and was thus employed for twenty five years.  He then worked nine years in a shoe factory, after which he accepted his present position.  Mr. Buckley was married in 1878 to Miss Annie McNulty, who was born in Ireland and came to America when twelve years old.  Her parents were Hugh and Sarah (Clark) McNulty.  The father, a laborer by occupation, died in Ireland and his widow subsequently married a man named Jones, who was killed in  a sawmill the day after their marriage, The doubly bereaved mother of Mrs. Buckley afterward became the wife of Joseph Perkins.  Her children were all by her first husband, namely: Annie, Kate, John, James and Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley have a daughter, Ida May, who is a secretary in the Robinson Female Seminary.  The family attend the Episcopal Church, and in politics, Mr. Buckley is a republican.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Grandfather's WW2 Boat

This picture was not in the pictures my mom gave me. Mike's Dad found it online while doing his genealogy research.  The LST on the left (316) was the boat my Grandfather served on in WW2.  This photo was taken in June 1944 at Normandy, shortly after D-Day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

More mystery ladies and some other random shots I love

My theory is that this is Ida Buckley Cushman's Church Group. I found a mention of said group in her Funeral information. I don' t recognize any of them as Ida though, so I am not sure. The Photo is from 1961.

Ida Buckley Cushman, age 9, about 1898

Gordon & Nancy's Wedding Announcements from the NY Times and the NY Herald Tribune
Nancy Bone Cushman Rita Personal On Congress Street, Portland, Maine mid 1960's?
Gordon Cushman is the scrawny little guy in the white tank top. Not sure who the other men are, or what they are doing. Any idea what that thing is? It looks like a water tank maybe?August 1934, Kenduskeag, Maine. Gramps is 14.
Gordon Cushman mowing the lawn in front of his family home in Needham Massachusetts. 1935.
Frank H. Cushman, studying at Dartmouth with his roommate Grover Fox in the background.

Barbara Cushman Mackintosh, Gordon Cushman and an unidentified cat. Not sure of the year, but probably 1926-1927

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Cushmans

Peter Cushman, In the Navy, 1970

I really love the picture in the middle. They look like Popeyes!

Nancy Bone Cushman, Smokin' Hot Body at 47.

Baby Boom

These are a series of photos staring my Grandparents and their first child, my aunt, Susan. I think she was born in 1947? I love how formal and suburban they look, a much different style then the sweat pants and t-shirts Mike and I wandered around in for the first few weeks of Sully's life.

Mystery Woman and An Historical Figure

This picture is from 1911 and only one person in it is identified. On the back of the photo is written, in a woman's handwriting:

"Taken on station platform back in 1911 (?) the fellow to my right is Daniel Basil O'Connor (head of March of Dimes) and my brother is next to him and back a little"

So we goggled Daniel Basil O'Connor and discovered that he was in fact the founder of the March of Dimes, a trusted legal adviser and friend to Franklin D. Roosevelt, among other things. check out this link to read more about this interesting man.

We also discovered that he graduated from Dartmouth in 1912, so he would have attended at the same time as Frank Cushman, my Great-Grandfather.

So my theory is that the woman is my Great-Great Grandmother, Frank's Mother. Mom, can you confirm this?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random Beginnings.

I have just started this project, which is a big one. So the first few postings are going to be a bit random. Eventually, I would like to group the pictures together somehow, by person, or by time, not sure what sort of organization is going to work. I will just have to figure it out as I go.

Mike is retouching a lot of the photos digitally, he is finding details in the photos that are really difficult to see in the originals.

This is Gordon Cushman (my Grandfather) and his Sister, Barbara in Frenchman's Bay, Maine in July 1928. There are a series of these photos, a few small and one large that was color treated, which was the thing to do at the time. There isn't a lot of color still visible in the photo, but Mike was able to pull it out digitally.

This is Gordon Cushman in 1931, age 11. I adore this picture because the face is so familiar to me, like the familiar face and expression of my Grandfather on a little boy. Plus he was such a snazzy dresser.

This is Ida Buckley, my Great Grandmother (Gordon Cushman's Mom). She is 18 or 19 in this picture, I have to find out her birthday, but I am guessing this would be between 1910 to 1915.

This is Frank Cushman, my Great grandfather. I need to find his birthday too, but I would guess this picture to be from the late 1880's.

This is Frank Cushman on a log jam on the Connecticut River, near Dartmouth where he was studying in 1911.
This is my Grandmother, Nancy Bone in 1939, at age 19. She is with Dorthy, a childhood friend from her neighborhood. I like the picture because my Gram is being silly, and because she is under a sign promoting "Legal Beverages".
This is my Grandmother, Nancy Bone serving as Maid of Honor at Barbara Cushman's wedding. My Grandfather was overseas in WW2 at this time. The wedding announcement has lots of details, as well as flowery descriptions of the event. Click on the announcement to read it.


I like this picture of my brother Jeff because 1. it looks just like my son Sullivan. 2. the back yard of our house on Falvey Street is oddly bare and 3. There is a giant Mobile sign over his head, as though its a sign of his future career in geology and the oil industry.

This has always been my favorite picture of Jeff as a kid, for as long as I can recall. I still think B&W is the way to go with people, especially kids, you get to see the expression of the person without being distracted by the colors in the clothing or the surrounding. The photo is from May of 1976, when Jeff was almost 3.

And one of me, doing what I do best, sleeping in an awkward position. This photo looks just like Sullivan too, only with longer lighter hair.